Gaelin is a Dance Artist and Somatic Movement Therapist. She gained a BA (HONS) at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, and further trained with the Institute of Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy, a holistic approach based on the principles of Body Mind Centering®, Authentic Movement and Somatic Psychology. These practices underlie her relationship to dancing and dance making. Gaelin is an artistic co-director of dance quartet Eleven Farrer House. This collaboration feeds her interest in how somatic practices can be a learning ground for communicating and being with others. Gaelin is currently developing her artistic research though a MA programme in Creative Practice, hosted by Trinity Laban in collaboration with Independent Dance. She is dancing around inquiries into how the Authentic Movement practice of non-judgemental witnessing might provide a container for a resonant space between sensing and ‘making sense’ (perception) — with a view to supporting an approach to creativity that circumvents habit and eschews innovation, in favour of a process of unfolding.